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  • 其它英语口语教程
资料名称: ☆竞争力英语口语速成-走遍美国轻松40招MP3+LRC同步字幕+WORD文本☆
资料价格: 5.00元

书    名:竞争力英语口语速成-走遍美国轻松40招
作    者:苏雅敏 (美)Willy Roberts著
出 版 社:广东海燕电子音像出版社


1 Be my guest.
2 Do you have a mid-size car available?
3 Do you realize that you are an hour late?
4 Don't count on that.
5 Don't bother.
6 Don't sell it short.
7 Drinks are on the house today.
8 Get over it.
9 Get off it!
10 Hang in there.
11 Here you go.
12 How about if we go to a movie?
13 How come?
14 How was your day?
15 How do you want your steak?
16 If she finds out about this, she'll have a fit.
17 I'm going to go catch some Z's.
18 I'm sorry I let you down.
19 I gave her my word.
20 I didn't mean to stand you up.
21 I second that.
22 I'll say.
23 I'm on my way home.
24 I'll make sure he gets the message.
25 I'll get right on it.
26 It's a deal.
27 It's up to you.
28 It won't work.
29 It'd serve John right if he got arrested.
30 I have to put my car on the market.
31 Let's get down to business.
32 Please keep me posted.
33 Send the record C.O.D.
34 Spare me.
35 Suit yourself.
36 Take it easy.
37 Take sick leave.
38 The ball is in your court.
39 Turn up the heat.
40 You're on the right track.



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